Erasmus Masterclass Prof. Charina Quintana, flauto- Conservatorio Reggio Calabria-20-21-22 marzo 2018 - CV: In 1989 she obtained a flute teaching post  at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and from 2005 she has been teaching flute at the Conservatorio Superior de Música de Canarias also in the department  of flute-pedagogy. In the same year  she formed the "Grupo de Cámara Profesores de Gran Canaria" which has been in existance for over 25 years with the oboist and Composer Francisco Crespo.They have performed original repertoire for this instrument and different arrangements for chamber orchestras. In 2003 Duo Flauta y Piano was formed .In June 2013 they recorded a CD with Red Berd Records.  She has played as Principal Flute in the Orquesta Diego Durón and colaborated with the Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria, Orquesta Sinfónica de Las Palmas. She has also played as principal flute with the Orquesta Sinfónica del Atlántico  under the Direction of  Isabel Costes, and recently colaborated with the Orquesta Filarmónica Giuseppe Verdi, de Salerno (Italy) She has performed in different  music festivals such as: Música Antigua (Lanzarote), Clasicos en el Parque (Almeria) and FalautCampus(International Summer Campus) in theUniversitá degli Studi di Salerno, Italy. She has  given numerous  recitals around the Spain, Portugal  and Italy (Salerno, Bellizi, Cesena,etc) She regularly gives masterclasses and workshops in Circular Breathing for  the Flute, recently in the Conservatory di Musica "Giusseppe Matrucci" di Salerno and Conservatorio de Música "Bruno Maderna" and in the near future at the  Conservatorio "Agostino Steffani" di Castelfranco, Veneto(Italia).